fmovies Watch The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

Genres=Crime / / Star=Jonah Hill / USA / Martin Scorsese / Creator=Terence Winter

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Oh in hindsight, this scene amuses me! In the post-2010 era of FATCA, Jordan Belfort's skepticism didn't even scratch the surface. Certainly earns it's 'R' rating, and delivers it in a hilarious and effective way. Scorsese yet again performs his magic and gives a phenomenal film, and DiCaprio delivers an amazing performance. Plus, the accuracy to the true story is outstanding.

She just doesnt. you know what Im saying

Loved this, Jordan ! Love from Dubai ! ❤️. I love how Jon Bernthal is pissed off from the nonsense theyre talking about and puts his anger on the ketchup. Acting level epic. When you deliver food- and someone asks for should immediately be brought. Am I crazy.


“Is he wearing a bow-tie?”. 2:40 Jordan mentions collaterized debt oblogations. He predicted the Great Financial Crash 20 years into the future. Hey ma, we got chicken or what? Ma. I lost it when leo decided to follow along that tune he's making. If my boss slapped me like that he'd never slap anything again without the aid of prosthetics... After reading the parental guide for this movie, i'm gonna watch it on my laptop at 12 am tomorrow with my room door locked lmao. I hate when movies use old music, makes it unwatchable. Oh, that and Jonah... 😂😂 He jus swallowed a live gold fish 😂😂😂.

This movie looks really good cant wait to see it he is such a amazing actor

Martin scorsese a legend in film industry. He deserves the Oscar for this alone. Hey Ma! Man that was it. Growing up on the East Coast... Hey Ma what time we eatin. I completely forgot how great this scene was. Martin Scorsese's new film, The Wolf of Wall Street, is a pantomime GoodFellas, elevated to an incredibly exhilarating level. It's based on the autobiography of Jordan Belfort: A Wall Street stock broker who made a fortune by selling shady penny-stocks - and then spent a fortune on cars, drugs, sex, and various other things - before being indicted by the FBI in 1998 for fraud and money-laundering. Belfort, played by Oscar winning, powerhouse Leonardo DiCaprio, takes viewers on a 3-hour long pill-popping, high-rolling, nightmarish circus of an adventure through the rise of the leading brokerage company on Wall Street - Stratton Oakmont.
Just short of 20 minutes into the film, we find out that Belfort is quite the savant of sales, who has mastered the art of rhetoric and persuasion. After being dumped from the trading firm L.F. Rothschild on Black Monday, Belfort finds himself in a brokerage house in a strip mall, peddling worthless, shady penny stocks to anyone who will pick up the phone, while earning 50% commissions. It isn't too long before Belfort realizes his knack for the trade, and starts his own chop shop brokerage, Stratton Oakmont, in a garage with neighbor Donnie Azoff and a merry band of criminals, brokers, and thugs, all sharing one goal in mind - to make millions off their shady penny-stocks.
Belfort's misadventures and immense success is fueled by sex, coke, Quaaludes, and adrenaline, combined with the lust for more: more success, more money, more things. To the public eye, Stratton Oakmont seems to be a respectable, profitable US institution. But down in the boiler room is a naked marching band, playing celebratory orchestrations while employees engage in a dwarf throwing contest surrounded by roller-skating chimpanzees - a seemingly impossible reality, lived by Jordan Belfort. Belfort engages in a number of different illegal schemes and shenanigans over the course of his drugged-out rise to success. One thing comes after another from stock and money-laundering fraud, to trips to Switzerland to deposit cash in their banks, to circus-like office parties, to purchasing as many cars, yachts, and things as possible, until it inevitably comes crashing down.
Like a great jazz band, the film runs on a rhythm comprised of slow motion and freeze-frames, and right back to beautiful chaos in full motion. while Scorsese unleashes exuberant energy, complete with soaring and plunging camera angles, grand choreographed scenes, and a myriad of special effects. The film, while portraying the story as an energetic, wild ride, hints at its disgust for the people and their deeds, with different camera angles distorting their appearance, or in wide shots that showcase them as nicely dressed circus clowns. Yet, the jumbled story line stays close to Belfort's perspective; his voice guides viewers through the bacchanal mayhem, unorganized as it may be, Scorsese employs a great tactic to give us insight into the protagonist's point of view: Belfort narrates his actions in the past, as well as the actions taking place as he lives them. Scorsese seems to favor breaking the fourth wall, as Belfort often addresses the camera, giving monologues that portray him to be both inside and outside these events, whether they occur in the past as a reflection of his wrongdoings or in real time, glorifying his decisions and successes.
The cast of the film is nothing short of brilliant. Leonardo DiCaprio is a constant joy to watch in one of his most captivating and real performances yet as Jordan Belfort. Jonah Hill plays Donnie Azoff, the heavy-set caricature of a Jew, with bleached veneers, horn-rims, and pastel sweaters tied flamboyantly over his shoulders acts as Belfort's partner is both business and pleasure. Rob Reiner is the permanently furious Max, Belfort's father and business associate, who falls victim to Belfort's antics. Blonde Bombshell Margot Robbie, is perfectly suited for Duchess Naomi LaPaglia, Belfort's mistress, then second wife. Last but not least, is Matthew McConaughey, in a brief role as Belfort's senior broker and Wall Street mentor, he finely tunes the movie like the maestro he is.
Scorsese is in no way endorsing the actions of Belfort and his cronies, but there is a certain attraction we, as humans, have to the outlandish. There is a reason that we can't take our eyes away from a devastating storm or a shark attack, just as there is a reason we can't take our eyes off the revolting actions on the screen. It's a grandiose work of art that is so thrilling and exciting it pulls us in no matter how hard we wish to ignore it.

Bald as a china doll. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. This seems like a good movie I want to watch it.




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